Sunday, January 23, 2011

Server Status & Health Check in Linux

Top :

Top Command can provide the top processes, CPU Load, Memory Utilization, Swap Utilization

Running/Zombie Process, Uptime, etc..


This command will provide the information about the disk utilization, Read/Write rate, etc..


vmstat command provides the swap memory utilization report

sar (System Activity Reporter)

sar tool can provide the report about CPU Load, iowait and other useful info at specified intervals.


dmesg command displays all the server errors including Hardware, booting, network errors

This command will retrieve the information from log files which located in /var/log

Other Useful commands to collect some info about the server :

runlevel - To Know the Current Run Level

netstat –a - To see the Network sessions

netstat –rn - To View the gateways configured

who / finger - To View the Users logged in detail

ps –ef - To view all the running process and its related files

sestatus - To check SELINUX status

service iptables status - To check firewall status

ifconfig –a - To View the Network cards and IP Address configured